Andrew W. Ludy

Patent Agent

U.S. Patent & Trademark Office Registration No. 35259

About My Background

My Patent Law practice covers thirty years in the mechanical and electromechanical arts.  For four years, I was employed at Hoffmann & Baron LLP, an intellectual property law firm. 

My patent work included heat exchangers; natural gas processing; escalator power systems; high-speed parts sorting, unjamming, filling and packaging; deep sea salvage; digital printers for Xerox; power and hand tools; medical lasers and instruments; orthopedic gait analyzers; LED lighting; and cardiac valve repair; and many more inventions.

For forty years, I had been an engineer in such fields as telecommunications for Bell Labs; heavy road building machines; metal alloy manufacturing; Naval ship design; pneumatic and hydraulic valves to 10,000 psi service for oilfield, aerospace, and undersea use; and consumer products.  I was chief engineer with a hydrogen fuel cell manufacturer.  I have worked in renewable energy technologies; and automotive product development in Detroit.

I have a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Xerox Copier Patent Drawing

Xerox Copier Patent Drawing

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